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Societys conventional checklist, ‘Sharmaji ka Ladka’ advise works no more while selecting a Right Career

So the Good News is -Class XII Results are out. College results are not that far. And the not so Good New is – Be prepared to get flood of advise now to fit yourself into the shoes of what others have done in past for their living. Now it’s your turn do the same.

Are those advise still work or You are really interested in those Age old careers? No one will ask you or is even capable to tell you .Confusion is another name of Career for you in our typical Indian education system and herd mind set society’s syndrome. You shall not think or say anything , just follow what ‘Sharma ji ka Ladka’ did or your some cousin did or what coaching centre waley Sir is telling you.

So go for  Bank Jobs, prepare for government jobs or go for conventional BBA/MBA  or even BCA/ MCA at any cost, fees premier , non premier institute . It doesn’t matter! Get a secured job ( as perceived by the oldies around ) and slog yourself for the entire life ( today’s reality ) .

That’s the crux of all the advise you will get. And you know it too. The most obsolete thing you are about to live with… is your career . Wow! Making passion as your profession is  just a  fantasy, eventually  you will end up following the herd and being oblivious to the true facts despite knowing them. This has been the tradition which is forced to follow subconsciously or by listening to the society around.

The irony is , the implications of making a wrong decision is not faced by society, however you will get impacted by someone else’s  illogical decision made in your life. We are living in a disrupted world that has given you comfort ease and more options in your lifestyle.

Same is with your career. Time is to look towards it with the same mindset and explore the new industries like E-commerce, Digital, and IoT. Rarely anyone will advise you on these new career avenues. The Reason is obvious, they themselves are clueless about these options.

Career decisions are to be made with some rational mindset  ( not herd mindset)  by being realistic and practical about your life? So here is a Reality Check with some facts and figures to bring you out from the “advised”  conventional career options vis a vis the new age career options –

  • The “Highly Educated” BTECHs, MBAs and MTECHs have been applying for a “sweeper’s” job in Tamil Nadu. You don’t believe? See it yourself –
  • This one definitely, will make you cry -A Post Graduate Working As A Zomato Delivery Boy Highlights Lack Of Quality Jobs In The Country – Did you see it coming? Nor even us!
  • https://thelogicalindian.com/my-story/zomato-delivery-boy-post-graduate/Alright, let’s not make you more upset!
    This was just to make you realise the struggle of most of our educated and bright youth. Let’s learn it from these instances and move forward.
    Now the question is, how can you ensure that your future is going in the right direction?
    Answer is simple, by looking at the “New Gen” career options. Yes you are right, try your hands on –
  1. The ever emerging “Digital Space”
  2. The next thing about to takeover – “Internet of Things(IoT)”
  1. The Reality Checker – “Big Data”
  1. The output of everything – “The Analytics”