About Us
iMET is a global community to develop, promote and encourage innovation, Mentorship, Entrepreneurship and Talent building with Practitioner's or Doer's perspective. It was launched on April 2, 2011 at IIT Delhi (interestingly the same day we won our cricket world cup too!!). As an entity, iMET is a part of Pradurbhav Foundation, a section 8 company (a more legal format of a Trust/Society) committed towards new age Education, Research and Social Welfare.

School of Digital/Social Media & AI Enablement, a new age world
iMET's School of Digital Social Media AI Enablement is scoped around its core value of innovation, Mentorship, Entrepreneurship and Talent building.
As an emerging skills arm of iMET under Pradurbhav Foundation, a section 8 company (a more not for profit entity), it is committed towards new age Education, Research and Social Welfare.

It has been structured on New Generation and New India's charter of building Digital India, Start- up /Stand up India, Make in India and Skill India. It was launched in 2011 as iMET's Centre of Excellence (CoE) for Working Professionals, Self Employed Professionals, Entrepreneurs, Startups , Small & Medium Businesses and Students. Better Career, Self Employment, Better Employability & Growth beyond Appraisals are some of the fervent outcomes when our learners opt for the right program for themselves.
All the programs fully equip our learners on the skills, different tools, concepts, online marketing techniques, Digital marketing, social media marketing, ORM, internet marketing, SEO, SEM, Google protocols, Digital Transformation, advance skills in business planning, market planning, language proficiency and communication skills in Hindi and English in a systematic way at learner's pace with practical assignments and industrial trainings. Since 2011, more than 30000 students have been trained under it at different institutes, associations and in their own campus.
iMET Global is for all Santiagos, Zahirs, Bridas, Chanakyas….or the future likes of Steve Jobs, Richard Bransons, Zuckerbergs; The ones who are the Kirks andSpocks of their own voyagers of discovery on the mission- ‘the quest of knowledge’ to make the difference beyond conventional living and aspiration.
iMET resonates with such beliefs and supports the efforts to make such big dreams happen in a BIGGER way .iMET thus helps such awakened souls to Collaborate -Co create and Co exist.
You may be in a garb of a Student, Entrepreneur, Start Up, Professional, SME, MSME; either from a developed to developing nation or from a big city to smaller one however set on making ‘extraordinaire’ the way of your life.